A little help on school administration
School administration used to be a fairly simple affair but it has become more and more complex over the years with additional tasks added tacked on as time as gone on.
Many of these additional tasks fall under the remit of management of the school rather than the educational side of things which has traditionally been where school principals have come from and schools are pretty complex beasts to manage as well. It’s therefore becoming more and more necessary to call into play software that can keep a handle on what’s going on.
For example, the organisation of school trips used to be quite straightforward but these days they’re logistical nightmares involving negotiations with overseas accommodation, transport and entertainment. All that before you even consider the business of keeping track of who is actually going on the trip!
Fees are more and more common of course too and with fees comes the need to draw on marketing resources which in turn leads you down the path of contact management and following up of leads. Naturally these days that may entail e-mail marketing programmes in addition to the calling of bygone days.
Management and allocation of resources from teachers to classrooms, transport, etc. is of course still part of the normal school activity but no less easy to do simply because it’s better known by those involved in it. And, of course, you need to keep track of how everyone is doing so that the various performance statistics demanded by the educational authorities can be presented in the appropriate format.
However, with all those complications it’s perhaps surprising to know that there aren’t a lot of integrated school management systems around. One of those that seems to be doing quite well internationally is TEAMS which is produced by a relatively small Australian company.
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