Changing your e-mail address? Have you told the places you advertise with?

Whenever we send out a newsletter to our B&B people, we always get a number of e-mails returned with errors.

Now, in some cases it’s because the owners have sold up and moved on but in surprisingly high number of cases it’s because they’ve changed their e-mail address and not told us. In fact, when you do a search for them there’s usually a considerable number of places that they’ve been advertising with yet which still hold the old address.

It’s just crazy to throw away advertising like that and yet people do it.

OK, sometimes they are forced into a change when they change ISP (although, quite why they don’t use their own domain name for their e-mail escapes me) and, after all, who remembers everywhere that they’re advertising? Fair enough, except that they don’t need to remember all the time: just searching for their old e-mail will turn up a reasonable fraction of their advertising in most cases.

What they should do, of course, is to keep a list of everywhere that they’re advertising so that they can change the e-mails and other details if need be.

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